Cadence's personal blog, featuring a grab bag of stories, computers, photos, mind, and all the other thoughts that won't let me go.
A weblog means a personal blog rather than a corporate one. It's a retro word for a retro person.
this year
last year
in darkness of night
the light of my eyes
- 2022-11-20What are my pronouns?
- 2022-11-18Latest changes to my website
- 2022-11-06Introducing BreezeWiki
- 2022-10-17Explaining Lisp's quoting without getting tangled
- 2022-10-16I don't have emotions about significant changes in my life
- 2022-07-29How to start an unencrypted chat on Matrix (Element)
- 2022-07-04Userscript to improve notification sounds in Element (Matrix)
- 2022-07-03Git forge opinions: GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, Sourcehut
- 2022-02-08What goes into my writing?
- 2022-02-04Command line computing part 3: IRC tutorial with WeeChat
- 2022-01-29Command line computing part 2: Difficulties
- 2022-01-28Command line computing part 1: Introduction
bright as an angel
- 2021-07-30Computer niceties
- 2021-07-20Workman layout, 11 months later
- 2021-07-14Mystery cylinders
- 2021-07-12"Walker"
from halcyon days
- 2020-09-30CloudTube progress update
- 2020-09-28My experience with the Workman layout
- 2020-09-01History of Invidious
- 2020-06-25git send-email
- 2020-06-23Video list redesign
- 2020-06-22Chip collab
- 2020-06-21Replaying requests
- 2020-06-20Screenshot tests
- 2020-06-19Video info redesign IV
- 2020-06-18Video info redesign III
- 2020-06-17Video info redesign continued
- 2020-06-16Video info redesign
- 2020-06-15Frequency analysis
- 2020-06-14Escape room
- 2020-06-13Icons suck
- 2020-06-12Celeste speedruns
- 2020-06-10sourcehut
- 2020-06-09Deleting Discord messages II
- 2020-06-08Riivolution patcher
- 2020-06-07Matrix spoilers
- 2020-06-06Why you shouldn't trust Discord
- 2020-06-05Email
- 2020-06-04Exam success?
- 2020-06-03PHIL exam
- 2020-06-02#36393f
- 2020-05-31End of May
- 2020-05-30HTTP security rabbithole
- 2020-05-28Class grind
- 2020-05-27Deleting Discord messages
- 2020-05-26Listening online
- 2020-05-25Amanda designs
- 2020-05-24Updater script specifics
- 2020-05-22Amanda node managment
- 2020-05-21Global updater plans
- 2020-05-20BlinkExchange
- 2020-05-19Personal internet archive
- 2020-05-18Beach
- 2020-05-17Assignment submitted
- 2020-05-16USB Loader GX
- 2020-05-15Website themes III
- 2020-05-14Group project II
- 2020-05-12Exhausted
- 2020-05-11I love tests
- 2020-05-10Website themes II
- 2020-05-09Website themes
- 2020-05-08Sass themes
- 2020-05-07Group project
- 2020-05-06Esoteric Knowledge
- 2020-05-05James Charles the Mario Kart Wii hacker
- 2020-05-04May the 4th
- 2020-05-03Small preparations
- 2020-05-02Relang
- 2020-05-01Assignment continues
- 2020-04-30End of April
- 2020-04-29Java test script
- 2020-04-28Settings through the ages
- 2020-04-27I hate Java
- 2020-04-26Showing off
- 2020-04-25Birds
- 2020-04-24Website stats II
- 2020-04-23Website stats
- 2020-04-22End of feeds
- 2020-04-21Museum of trash
- 2020-04-20Nice
- 2020-04-19Bracket
- 2020-04-18Overview of Discord alternatives and migration
- 2020-04-17Nothing
- 2020-04-16Blood
- 2020-04-15Memories: Lakes
- 2020-04-14Cloud
- 2020-04-13Month
- 2020-04-12Assistants
- 2020-04-11Shopping list
- 2020-04-10Ginger biscuits
- 2020-04-09Hill III
- 2020-04-08Passport
- 2020-04-07Tableau II
- 2020-04-06Shuffling
- 2020-04-05Bread
- 2020-04-04Hill II
- 2020-04-03Nine keys
- 2020-04-02Recipe formatting
- 2020-04-01fhepfcelehfcepfffacacacacacacabn
- 2020-03-31Red lights
- 2020-03-30Golden apple
- 2020-03-29Stab
- 2020-03-28Plans
- 2020-03-27Mario Kart 9
- 2020-03-26Solid
- 2020-03-25No surprises
- 2020-03-24Surprises
- 2020-03-23Level up
- 2020-03-22Hill
- 2020-03-21Kingsway
- 2020-03-20Clubs are cancelled
- 2020-03-19Pandemic at the disco
- 2020-03-18I am Cadence
- 2020-03-17*t*ableau test trickery
- 2020-03-16Tableau test trickery
- 2020-03-15Amanda gives health tips
- 2020-03-14To promise or not to promise
- 2020-03-13Hello blog!