cadence’s website.

Some changes will be applied after reloading.
Some changes will be applied after reloading.
Rated PG - Parental Guidance recommended.

Website themes II

Today I looked at two browser extensions for managing your history better. One is Memex, which saves and indexes the pages you visit, allowing you to later full text search your entire browser history, which is very cool. The other is SingleFile, which can download any web page into, well, a single HTML file, and can also be set up to automatically download all the pages that you visit. I'm going to trial that and see how much disk space in ends up using, and then rethink my choices. It sucks when a page that you like goes offline, and while the Internet Archive Wayback Machine is definitely great, it can't preserve everything. Both extensions are open source.

— Cadence

A seal on a cushion spinning a globe on its nose.
Another seal. They are friends!