cadence’s website.

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Some changes will be applied after reloading.
Rated PG - Parental Guidance recommended.Created by a human with a heart.


These are drawings or photographs that I have done for myself, drawn by me and sometimes with the help of friends! ^w^

Pictures on this page are lower resolution so that they load faster. If you click on the picture, you can see it in original quality.

Most of my pictures are licensed using the Creative Commons license BY-SA-NC 4.0. This means you can edit and share my picture to your heart's content, just not commercially. You must credit me when sharing.


This is my Touhou Project original character, Anera. She's a vampire living in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She's a bit of a goober who loves biting things, staying up late, and tasty treats like chocolate cake. She's easily influenced and generally happy to go along with whatever's happening, She is autistic.

Since I used a vector graphics editor, I enjoying being able to recolour the drawing really easily. It took me several tries to settle on the final palette. I also tried to follow elements of ZUN's style, but I don't know if that came through very effectively in the finished drawing.

I've used a cropped version of this picture as my avatar online.

scalable vector graphics
9 dec 2024
cc by-sa-nc 4.0
A flat shaded drawing of a strange lady in front of a mysterious red sky. She is wearing a long sleeved lime green blouse, a dark purple pleated skirt, and a large blue beret topped with huge bunny ears. Her long brown hair falls to her waist, one of the strands is decorated with triangle ornaments. She has a silly, clueless expression, accentuated by her golden cat-like eyes.

“yummy despair”

This is fanart of the scene from the Wonderland Adventures Job Interview Collab where you are left in utter pure despair and the Gem Chomper eats your feelings.

original quality / file with layers
12 nov 2022
cc by-sa-nc 4.0
A yellow sphere man wearing a top hat is sitting, shaking, next to a reflective lake. In the distance, a shiny purple pair of dentures with a huge tongue says, "is that YUMMY DESPAIR i can smell????" The words yummy despair are painted larger in red using a brush that makes them look like scratches and wounds.

“kitty kart!”

Mario Kart 8 has a vehicle called the "cat cruiser", a small pink vehicle with cat characteristics like whiskers and a tail, and it makes me smile to think about. I decided to draw the cat cruiser on Royal Raceway, being driven by somebody bright and happy!

I spent lots of time on the character because they were hard to draw and I wanted them to stand out and look bold. Since the cat cruiser is the focus of the picture, I didn't want to make the background too detailed, so I deprioritised it by leaving in my sketch lines and painting it with solid muted colours.

This drawing is soooooo pretty and I love it so much. I hope more of my drawings in the future can make me this happy.

original quality / file with layers
15 july 2022
cc by-sa-nc 4.0
A girl happily drives an open-top pink kart that is hilariously small along a track, and you're watching her from the front as she drives past. Her body sticks out far above the top of the kart, and her knees are pointed outwards over the edge of the kart so that her feet can fit inside. The kart is pink with yellow whiskers on the front and a tail. The girl is wearing grey leggings, an orange top, and has her yellow-orange hair streaming out behind her from the speed. The girl and the kart are drawn with bold thick lines and a flat colouring style. They are on a racetrack surrounded by grass and a red-white kerb, and have just driven under a tunnel. The racetrack has a subtle heart design on the edge. The racetrack is the background of the picture, and is drawn with a sketch art style and is filled with more muted colours.


original quality / file with layers
2 june 2022
cc by-sa-nc 4.0
A tree on grass beneath the blue sky. A small person with hair going below her shoulders is sitting on a bench next to the tree, looking into the distance. A small patch of yellow flowers grows under the tree, and she's holding a few of them in her left hand. Most of the picture is drawn with an undetailed, spotty, slightly abstract brush.

“little world”

drawn together with elysia!

elysia took the photograph and drew the character. we surrounded the character in their own colourful little world, and changed their hair style!

original quality / file with layers
Krita and MyPaint
1 june 2022
this picture is just ours, sorry!
The background of the picture is a real life photograph, showing a cat lying in grass looking through a fence at a rail station. Between the cat and the station is a drawing on top of the photograph. It shows a little femme-presenting person looking curiously around them. They are wearing a red dress with a pink collar and short shorts, and have wavy shoulder-length hair. They are surrounded by a hazy colourful rainbow world.

“box of love”

original quality / file with layers
1 june 2022
cc by-sa-nc 4.0
A white canvas is covered in multicoloured scribbles, each with a different width and texture. The bottom of the canvas looks like grass, and a lot of the background has been smeared. Above the grass is a girl with brown hair in an open cardboard box, with a curious and blank expression. She has drawn a pink heart on her box, which is scribbled out. Red curved lines fill the space above her. Next to her, it says cadence.
A seal on a cushion spinning a globe on its nose.
Another seal. They are friends!