Here are some photos I've taken with my Game Boy Camera!
Zebra longwing and a paper kite butterfly. I think!
There wasn't a car show on. All these cars were just hanging out in the same parking lot.
For safety reasons, this is the highest resolution image of myself that I'll publish on the internet.
Check out the afternoon sky and clouds in this one. Wow!
The perspective on the bus shows how wide angle the lens is. The field of view is very similar to a smartphone camera.
In real life, you can see all the way up the stairs, but in the photo they disappear into darkness straight away.
You might be able to see vertical lines in the bus photo. I think it's ISO grain that's only visible in very dark scenes.
It's funny how the camera captures glare off the floor rather than any detail in the photo. The person's legs make a silhouette.
At first this looks like a duck... but there's actually over 5 more dark ducks in the top 1/3 of the photo!
Wrecked car. You can see the dents and the mirror falling off. It was gone the next day, so I guess that hunk still drives.